Learn About Self-Employed Occupation Information
Now that you've decided that self-employment is for you, it’s time to move forward with next steps and make your idea concrete in the real world. Start by reviewing occupation information related to the self-employment work that interests you. Reviewing this information will also give you helpful insights to start a small business.
Review the four websites we've listed below, keeping in mind that these are only starting points for your consideration. We encourage you to gather information from other sources since data outlined on these sites–while currently reliable–is open to error, failing to forecast occupational projections during the COVID-19 pandemic for example.
Make sure to also do the activities in the articles, Learn about Small Business Types and Career Key’s Learn about Career Options that Interest Me. They can give you valuable information you can get no other way.
The Occupational Outlook Handbook gives accurate, up-to-date, and comprehensive information on occupations. It describes approximately 250 jobs, covering 90% of all workers earnings, training and education needed, working conditions, skills required, and projected growth, among other information.
America's Career InfoNet (link updated) provides extensive job market trends and skills information for the nation and specific states. It’s the best resource for local wages and education providers.
Additionally, America’s Career InfoNet Career Videos (link updated) gives you a day-in-the-life, inside view to specific occupations. With over five hundred occupations on offer, you can watch videos of people working on their jobs, in their industry so that you can gain real-life insight.
Want a technical analysis of how the population, labor force, and the demand for goods and services is likely to affect career and business opportunities? Then read the U.S. Department of Labor's Employment Projections for 2018-2028.